About Jesus Team A 's Shop

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Jesus Team A

Denton, TX

A multicultural, bilingual, praise and worship music ministry whose mission is to build bridges across all types of communities.

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A multicultural, bilingual, praise and worship music ministry whose mission is to build bridges across all types of communities.

One name, two meanings. Jesus Team A is an energetic bilingual praise and worship band. The group seamlessly blends Spanish and English songs and brings together faith communities from diverse backgrounds. By sharing personal faith journeys and exploring differences in cultural experience, the group is able to unite listeners as the body of Christ. Their message challenges participants to reach beyond personal borders and offer the unconditional acceptance that Christ offers to all of us.

Dos nombres, un mismo sentido: Jesús Te Ama es un grupo bilingüe y energético de alabanzas y adoración.

Mezclando canciones en español e ingles, el grupo une a comunidades de diferentes culturas y tradiciones. Compartiendo historias de la fe, experiencias, cultura de cada integrante y con su música; el grupo se une en Cristo y hace partícipe a la audiencia.

Su mensaje inspira a romper barreras personales ofreciendo una incondicional aceptación de lo que nuestro Dios Padre

nos ofrece a cada dia.